Best Ways to Use Boob Tape

Best Ways to Use Boob Tape

Boob tape is a girl’s versatile best friend when it comes to keeping the girls secure and in place in any outfit. Now as you already know that how you tape your breasts depends on the outfit and the reason you’re opting for boob tape in the first place.


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So before dawning any outfit, it’s important to know how you want to dress up or down your boobs. The three most common reasons to use boob tape are which are commonly the following

  1. Create cleavage - for those who have small breasts and even no breasts at all, using boob tape can help create a more plump and voluptuous cleavage in no time at all.
  2. Flatten out chest - in contrast to the first reason for boob tape, it can also work the other and disguise the appearance of having boobs. 
  3. Reduce movement and support breasts - if you’re into doing a lot of strenuous activity like dancing boob tape is great to make sure your boobs stay securely in place and reduce discomfort.

Now that we’ve gone over the basic reasons for using boob tape, let’s get down to the different ways you can tape your boobs - for your various outfits.


Got a dance class you would love to attend and not worry about your girls getting in the way? Well, there are many good quality boob tapes available in the market that are sweatproof and are designed for comfort even when doing copious amounts of physical activity.

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Play the part

If you’re into costumes and performing on stage then you would know that they are certain costumes that will require secure bindings for your chest to appear more flat and even.

Image Source: Scene7

Method for securing breasts

If you’re wearing anything low-cut bear in mind that you will have to tape your boobs separately and it always helps to lean forward when taping- you create the lift to secure breasts by starting to tape from below on the breast and going upward to create a solid lift.

Do not tape all around the breasts as this can restrict your breathing and cause possible injury.


Image Source: Byebra

Method for flattening the chest

This one of often used by dancers to restrict the movement of their breasts while performing and for transgenders. All you need to do is to start by taping strips of boob tape across your chest to compress your breasts. Make sure to use strips to pull each breast to the side.

Also, take note that it isn’t recommended to use this method for long periods of time.

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Instant lift

You don’t need to be an A-lister to know that you can get that celebrity gorgeous plump chest with just a few strips of boob tape. From ball gowns, strapless shirts, and backless outfits you can rock any outfit with the versatile boob tape!

Image Source: eBay


Method for creating cleavage

Last but certainly not least is to use boob tape to create the much-desired cleavage. Start by taping across your chest to push them together and add padding under the boobs to make them look fuller and adds comfort.

Image Source: A Practical Wedding

Tips to know when taping your boobs

Just like any new practice, it doesn’t hurt to know some handy tips and tricks before you actually get down to taping your boobs- after all, they are a delicate part in any woman’s body.

  • Nipple covers - if you want to the shape of your nipples it’s best to a nipple cover to do this. Or if you don’t have one on hand you can use anything padded and soft like cotton wool and gently tape over it with boob tape.
  • Damaged skin- do not ever apply boob tape on damaged or sunburned skin as this can cause irritations.
  • Clean skin - use rubbing alcohol to clean the skin before application to rid it of oils and dirt.
  • Get help - there is no shame in asking a good friend to help you tape your boobs, it’s easier for many because with two people you can hold your boobs the way you want while your friend does the taping for you.
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